
  • You should send a thank-you letter whenever someone helps you with your job search. 你应该给面试发一封感谢信, 实习, 信息性面试, and any other situation where you received career assistance. If someone did something nice or helpful at work, send them a thank-you email message or note.
  • 你想尽快把信寄出去. This is especially important for an interview thank-you letter; you want to remind the interviewer that you are a strong candidate before he or she makes a decision. For this reason, you might choose to send a thank-you email instead of a note or typed letter. You can also send an email and then follow up with a note.
  • 信要简短,不要超过一页纸. 你要真诚而简短地说谢谢.
  • 如果这是一封面试的感谢信, use the letter as a chance to remind the employer why you are an ideal candidate. Remind them of something you discussed in the interview, or provide some new information that you forgot to mention. 这是你给人留下深刻印象的最后机会.
  • 使用专业的信函格式. 使用普通字体,如Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana in no larger than a 12 point size and no smaller than 10 point size. Use one-inch margins and no more than double-spaced lines. Avoid anything besides black text – emojis, fluorescent colors, highlighting, all caps, etc.,通常被认为俗气. 手写的信件应该用黑色墨水清晰可辨. Make sure you’ve edited out all spelling and grammar errors. You don’t want to leave a poor final impression due to careless mistakes.


  • 联系信息: If you are sending a printed letter or note, list your contact information above the salutation. If you are sending an email thank-you message, list your contact information below your signature.
  • 称呼: 亲爱的先生./Ms. 姓名:
  • 第一段: Your first sentence should state that you are reaching out to thank the recipient for what they have provided you. 在第一段中, you might include another sentence reiterating your thanks: for example, you can acknowledge that you know they are a busy person, and you are especially grateful that they took the time to help you. While your tone should come across as expressive and warm, avoid going overboard with effusive praises and never-ending thank you’s. 最终, you want to be sure your communication is genuine.
  • 第二段: 在第二段, 你可以解释你为什么如此感激以及如何感激, 具体地说, 他们的支持影响了你, or how you anticipate it impacting you in the future. It is important to be specific so that the reader knows this is a personal letter, rather than a generic one you’ve sent to multiple contacts.
  • 第三(可选)段: Use your optional third paragraph as a way to maintain your relationship with this person going forward. If you feel like you have something to offer them in return, you could mention it in this paragraph. 交替, you could suggest that you’d love to treat them to a coffee or simply that you would like to stay in touch. 最终, you should tailor what you say based on your relationship with the person, but the goal of this paragraph is to keep the door open to future communication.
Finally, in your closing paragraph, reiterate your gratitude with a simple, short final sentence.


亲爱的夫人. 皮特曼,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to chat about the underwater basket weaver manager position at pg电子游戏试玩. It was a pleasure connecting with you and hearing how energized you are about the company’s content marketing and growth goals. 因为我有网红营销的背景, I was particularly interested in your innovative ideas for influencer outreach—they sparked some ideas of my own and left me with the sense that we’d make an excellent collaborative team.

You mentioned that you’ll be taking some time to make a hiring decision, so I’ll do my best to wait patiently despite how excited I am to be considered. Meanwhile, let me know if there’s any further info I can provide. 再次感谢您选择我.



亲爱的夫人. 皮特曼:

I want to thank you for interviewing me yesterday for the position of thank-you letter writer. I was very impressed with the description you provided of your organization, and I am excited about the prospect of working for you.

My qualifications are well-matched with the position we discussed, 我对这个领域的工作很感兴趣. My experience 具体地说 with thank-you letter writing and the good interpersonal skills I possess are among my strongest attributes. They would certainly enable me to make a valuable contribution to the Appreciation Manifestation Company.

Again, thank you for the interview and your consideration. I am eager to have an opportunity of working on your staff. 我期待着你的消息. Please feel free to call me at 000-000-0000 if you have any further questions.



The following website page was adapted from Grammarly’s 感谢信 Page, 密歇根州立大学的样本
感谢网页, Balance 职业生涯的感谢信网页, 和简历天才的感谢信样页.